🞢 New Serial
Not connected
Not supported by your browser
{{input.port}} @{{input.baudrate}}
🞢 Drop here for new chart
🞢 Drop here for last value
T 3D {{telem.name}} ({{telem.unit}})
Drag on chart for
Connection failed, UDP port might already be in use by another client.
Ready to plot UDP telemetry sent to

Format of the telemetry is availble here.

From bash

echo "myValue:1234" | nc -u -w0 {{input.address}} {{input.port}}

From python

import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto("myValue:1234".encode(), ("{{input.address}}", {{input.port}}))

Check samples

From SerialPort (e.g. arduino)

#include <Arduino.h>
void setup() {

float i=0;
void loop() {
    Serial.print(">sin:"); // Important ">" prefix

> prefix is required on telemetry from Serial ports

From c++

#include "Teleplot.h"
Teleplot teleplot("{{input.address}}", {{input.port}});
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    teleplot.update("myValue", 1234);

Check samples

Offline (recommended for high bandwidth/availability and static port)

Use the VSCode plugin or the nodeJS server to use teleplot offline.
{{serie.values_formatted}} {{serie.name}} ({{serie.unit}})
x:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.position.x}} y:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.position.y}} z:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.position.z}} | rx:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.rotation.x}} ry:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.rotation.y}} rz:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.rotation.z}} rx:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.quaternion.x}} ry:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.quaternion.y}} rz:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.quaternion.z}} rw:{{serie.details_3d_formatted.quaternion.w}}
Min {{serie.stats.min}}
Max {{serie.stats.max}}
Mean {{serie.stats.mean}}
Median {{serie.stats.med}}
Stdev {{serie.stats.stdev}}